Thursday 15 April 2010


For the extended major project i have decided to construct my body of work from the novel Keep the Aspidistra Flying by George Orwell, this choice makes sense when taking into account the subject material for my previous two projects. I feel like I have found a comfortable method of working when working from a text so a publishing brief seems most appropriate. As well as reading the book itself in its entirety during the course of the project, there were a number of other books mentioned within the book, which i attempted to source and then read; so that i might develop a better understanding of some of the concepts. Both Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and the Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle have direct mention in the text both of which helped me to understand some of the protagonists literary background. Sourcing the books from has also enabled me to begin collecting classic paperbacks like the ones displayed in the book '700 Penguins' mentioned in my previous project, I have found as much inspiration from their design and presentation as in the work of my favorite illustrators.

Also displayed below is an example double spread from a 1949 paperback copy of Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw which I was surprised to find Illustrated. The potential for producing illustrations that might be appropriate accompanying the entirety of an adult-themed book first struck me when i saw this.

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